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The empowerment of women and the improvement of their political, social, and economic status in society are very crucial for the socioeconomic fabric of the country. We have listed the initiatives and programs by the Indian Government for the empowerment of women.
We request to share this post with your friends and neighbours to make people aware of these schemes and programs and get benefited from the initiatives that will uplift them economically and morally.
List of Women Empowerment Programmes/Schemes in India
1. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
To eliminate female foeticide and to promote education for girl children.
2. STEP (Support to training cum Employment for women)
To increase the self-reliance and autonomy of women by enhancing their productivity & enabling them to take up income generation activity.
3. SSA (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan)
For girl child education and to increase in the Gender Parity Index (GPI).
4. The National literacy Mission or Saakshar Bharat
Saakshar Bharat is the centrally sponsored nation-wide literacy scheme of the Indian Department for School Education and Literacy (DSEL) focusing on increasing women´s literacy in India
5. National Rural Health Mission
Educating women on health care. It has resulted in the decline in fertility rates, Maternal mortality rates (MMR), Infant mortality rates (IMR).
6. SHG (Self Help Groups)
For economic development in women by giving micro finances.
Self Help Groups (SHGs) are a homogenous group of 10-20 individuals who come together for saving and internally helping each other in times of need.
7. NMEW (National Mission for Empowerment of Women)
To ensure economic & social empowerment of women.
8. Swayamsidha scheme
To ensures total development of women.
Get information on Swayamsidha Scheme of Ministry of Women and Child Development. Users can get details of immediate objectives of the programme such as establishment of self-reliant women self-help groups (SHGs), creation of confidence and awareness among members of SHGs regarding women status, health, nutrition, education, sanitation and hygiene etc.
9. Swadhar scheme
To provide Basic necessities to marginalized women & girls.
10. Kishore Shakti Yojana
Kishore Shakti Yojana (KSY) seeks to empower adolescent girls, so as to enable them to take charge of their lives. It is viewed as a holistic initiative for the development of adolescent girls. The programme through its interventions aims at bringing about a difference in the lives of the adolescent girls. It seeks to provide them with an opportunity to realize their full potential.
11. Mahila Samridhi Yojana
For women empowerment. It is also a Micro Finance Scheme for women with rebate in interest. Financial Assistance up to cost of Rs. 1,40,000/- is provided.
12. Maternity Benefit Scheme
The scheme provides the cash incentive amounting to 5,000 directly to the Bank / Post office account during the Pregnancy and lactation in response to individuals fulfilling specific conditions.
13. Rastriya Mahila Kosh
Single window facilitator for provision of financial services with backward and forward linkages for women in the unorganized sector through Intermediary Micro Finance Organizations (IMOs) and Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) and to augment their capacities through multi-pronged efforts.
14. Development of women & children in Rural Areas (DWCRA)
Creation of groups of women for income generating activities on self sustaining basis.
To promote awareness about health, hygiene, nutrition, adolescent reproductive and sexual health (ARSH) and family and child care. For the Empowerment of adolescent girls
16. One Stop Centres (OSC)
One Stop Centres (OSC) are intended to support women affected by violence, in private and public spaces, within the family, community and at the workplace.
17. Women Helpline Scheme
To provide 24-hours toll-free telecom service to women affected by violence seeking support and information. To provide information about the appropriate support services, government schemes and programmes available to the woman affected by violence, in her particular situation within the local area in which she resides or is employed.
A Comprehensive Scheme for Prevention of trafficking and Rescue, Rehabilitation and Re-integration of Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation.
19. Working Women Hostel
To promote availability of safe and conveniently located accommodation for working women, with day care facility for their children, wherever possible, in urban, semi urban, or even rural areas where employment opportunities for women exist.
20. National Creche Scheme
To provide day care facilities to children (age group of 6 months to 6 years) of working mothers.
We hope this post will educate you on the schemes and initiatives taken by the government of India. As Knowledge is Wealth, please share this post with your friends and families and help in the empowerment of women in a small way as these initiatives or programs will be useful for anyone of them.
Kindly donate to the SMILE INDIA FOUNDATION for the welfare of underprivileged children who are very much affected because of the Pandemic. Kindly show your support to get the smile back on their little faces.
Enjoy and Ignite!
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
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