Dreamers Achieve Success: humour
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Showing posts with label humour. Show all posts

The Great Chess Tournament Seating Quest

The Great Chess Tournament Seating Quest

In Search of a Chair: The Great Chess Tournament Seating Quest

Ah, the world of chess tournaments—a place where strategy, intellect, and the occasional mad dash for an empty chair collide. It's a battleground where young chess prodigies and seasoned veterans face off in silent mental duels. But there's one battle that often goes unnoticed, one that's waged not on the 64 squares of the chessboard but in the treacherous realm of tournament seating. Join me on a rib-tickling journey through the chaos of "The Great Chess Tournament Seating Quest."

The Setup: A Chessboard and a Whole Lot of Chaos

Picture this: Rows upon rows of tables, each with a chessboard and two chairs, all neatly aligned like obedient pawns. In theory, it's a peaceful sight. In reality, it's a full-blown battlefield.

I arrived at the Lamb Tail Club chess tournament in Chennai along with my child's dream of strategic brilliance and grandmaster glory, only to be confronted by a sea of occupied chairs. Parents, grandparents, and bags—oh, the bags! They took up more space than a horde of rooks.

The Parents' Siege: Defending the Chairs

As I scanned the room for an empty seat, I couldn't help but notice the fierce guardians of these chairs: the parents. They sat like sentinels, eyes never leaving their little Bobby Fischer or Susan Polgar, ready to fend off any would-be usurper with a polite yet firm "Sorry, this seat is taken."

The Great Chess Tournament Seating Quest

It was a lesson in passive-aggressive warfare. I'd approach a table, hesitantly ask if the seat was taken, and receive a courteous nod. But just as I started to sit down, a parent would swoop in with the agility of a knight, placing a bag on the chair and declaring, "Actually, I think my child might need this chair soon."