Howdy Dreamers,
Hope you all are doing great!
Thanks for supporting this dreamer
Together let's create the dreamer’s community to help each other and
achieve success in life.
This blog mantra is to inspire, ignite,
motivate and transform the dreamer’s passion to achieve success in life.
Dream, Dream,
Dream transforms
into thoughts
And thoughts
result in action.
My dear dream chasers in the midst of all thoughts
and actions it is also important to enjoy the happiness in Life.
Are you leading a happy and contented life?
Are you happy with your work – life balance? Do you enjoy your life and the beautiful
memories it gives?
Sadly most of the people will answer ‘No’ especially the Millennial's who
want everything in Life quickly without any fuss.
Norman Vincent Peale answers this question in his
book ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’. The answer – you do!
The answer seems to be simple but many complicate this life’s formula which results in misery and pain.
But what if
I tell that ‘Happiness is achievable’ and the steps for obtaining it are not complicated.
- Tolstoy said “Where Love is God is” and where God and Love are, there is happiness. Practicing love is the simple and realistic principle of creating happiness.
- Make it a habit to be happy by cultivating the joyous and cheerful heart. This habit can be achieved by simply practicing Happy Thinking.
- Make a list of happy thoughts and pass them through your mind several times every day.
- Happiness is enjoying little things in life, so start enjoying every little thing like playing in rain, getting mesmerized by the beauty of the sun setting in the ocean, a small talk with your loved ones, listening to the melody of joy, eating ice-cream, playing with your pet, reading the book of your choice and list goes on and on.
- Stop fuming and fretting for the material things you didn’t get in your life, instead ‘Savor every tiny joyous moment and the things you have in life’.
- If the unhappiness thought enters your mind, consciously stop it and substitute it with a happy thought.
- Start each day with a grateful heart. Be thankful for the simple things in our life. The recent study has proven that practicing gratitude increases happiness.
- Every morning before getting up from the bed, consciously drop happy thoughts into your mind by lying relaxed in bed.
- Visualize the happy experience you expect to have during the day. Visualizing happy and positive thoughts will help in turning the events the way we imagined.
- H.C. Mattern in life followed this simple philosophy for creating happiness - “The way to happiness: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simple, expect little, and give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do as you would be done by. Try this for a week and you will be surprised.”
- Spend quality time with the people you love and the ones who reciprocate it. This will be very beneficial as it improves our happiness and the quality of life.
- The recent discoveries in the field of positive psychology tell that “Happiness fuels Success and not the other way around”. In The Happiness Advantage book, Shawn Achor, who spent over a decade living, researching, and lecturing at Harvard University implore that "When we are positive, our brains become more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, resilient, and productive at work"
- In The Happiness Advantage book, a study shows the importance of physical exercise on our happiness level as it reduces depression. If you have not started exercising this is the time to start exercising, start with the small routine and make it a daily habit to stay fit and happy.
- Meditation and practicing the spirituality of your faith will help in improving your happiness quotient.
- Stop excessive use of gadgets like cell phones and get more quality sleep at least 6 to 8 hours a day. A good quality sleep will make you positive and happy.
- Norman Vincent Peale suggests that in the morning say aloud few positive affirmations as the following: “I believe this is going to be a wonderful day. I believe I can successfully handle all the problems that will arise today. I feel good physically, mentally, emotionally. It is wonderful to be alive. I am grateful for all I have had, for all that I now have, and for all that I shall have. Things are not going to fall apart. God is here and He is with me and He will see me through. I thank God for every good thing”.
As a Kid, chasing and playing with hundreds and hundreds
of small yellow butterfly gave an immense and profound happiness to me. Recently when I got the chance to show butterflies
with red spots in the nearby park to my kid I had a small doubt whether she
will enjoy playing with it. After seeing me chasing and playing with the
butterfly she too joined the game and then started the nectar of happiness in her face and in mine too.
I urge you all to go out and play with the butterfly of joy.
I urge you all to go out and play with the butterfly of joy.
“Promise Yourself
To be so strong that nothing
can disturb your peace of
To talk health, happiness, and
to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel
that there is something in
To look at the sunny side of
and make your optimism come
To think only the best, to
work only for the best,
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic
about the success of others
as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the
and press on to the greater
achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance
at all times
and give every living creature
you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the
improvement of yourself
that you have no time to
criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too
noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the
presence of trouble.
To think well of yourself and
to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud words but great
To live in faith that the whole
world is on your side
so long as you are true to the
best that is in you.”
― Christian D. Larson, Your
Forces and How to Use Them
Wish you all a Happy and Healthy Life...
Wish you all a Happy and Healthy Life...
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, and Start-ups by subscribing to the site and following the blog pages
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get empowered.
In the future, I am
planning to add more features to the site to ignite and to transform the young
minds to achieve success. WATCH
Virtually nothing
is impossible
in this world if
you just put your mind to it
and maintain a
positive attitude.
~ Lou Holtz
Like-minded people who want to share their ideas
and thoughts to guide the youth, inbox me at In
the future, we can collaborate on this same mission with the passion to bring
the positive change.
Be crazy enough to ignite, innovate and transform this world...Breath Happiness
Happy Dreaming...
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