Dreamers Achieve Success: Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam IGNITE Awards 2018

Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam IGNITE Awards 2018

Howdy Dreamers,
Hope you all are doing great! Thanks for supporting this dreamer blog.

Together let's create the dreamer’s community to help each other and achieve success in life.

This blog mantra is to inspire, ignite, motivate and transform the dreamer’s passion to achieve success in life. Discover opportunities in technology, innovation, and start-ups by following this blog.

Dream, Dream, Dream
Dream transforms into thoughts
And thoughts result in action.

After publishing my last post, I got an encouraging call from one of my Well-Wisher.

In the midst of our interesting conversation, he asked me one striking question.

Do we have tools or platform for the underprivileged children to showcase their talent?

His question struck me and gave me more responsibility in identifying those tools and platforms for young students.

Thank you very much Mr. Perumal Swamy sir. I am now on the path to identify those tools.

National Innovation Foundation (NIF) provides one such platform for the students to showcase their talent, creativity and innovation.


National Innovation Foundation (NIF), India, an autonomous body of the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, has announced the tenth national competition for students' ideas and innovations.

In the loving memory of Dr. Kalam, NIF has organized Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam IGNITE Awards 2018 to ignite children's ideas and innovations. The submissions are welcome from the students up to Standard XII in the creative technological ideas/innovations.

NIF has received up to 1,54,500 submissions during the various IGNITE campaigns which started in 2008, awarding 201 awards to 277 students. 
The awards will be announced on October 15, Dr. Kalam's birthday, celebrated by NIF as the Children's Creativity and Innovation Day.

This annual national competition continues to harness the original creative and innovative spirit of children full filling one of main vision of Dr. Kalam.

The idea of this contest is to utilize the innate creativity of the children to solve the unsolved social and technical problems and to promote the leadership quality in them for the incredible future of the country.

Many people believe that creativity is something you are born with and cannot be learned but the truth is, we can acquire it through lateral thinking.

In How to Have Creative Ideas Edward de Bono - the leading authority on creative thinking - outlines 62 different games and exercises, built around random words chosen from a list, to help encourage creativity and lateral thinking.

All the exercises are simple, practical and fun, and can be done by anyone.This book will be a great medium for students.

Any technological idea/innovation which solves any daily-life problem, be it household or of porters, labourers, or the likes are invited for the competition.

Change is crucial.
It brings new thought;
new thought leads to innovative actions.
~ A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

The appreciation certificates will be given to submitting the maximum number of properly-documented entries (innovations/TK).

The students from any educational board can participate in Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam IGNITE competition, also the children, who are out of school, up to the age of 17 years can also participate.

The submissions will be received until August 31, 2018. The students are encouraged to submit as many entries as they wish.

The submissions for the competition can be made through any of the following means:

Email the ideas to ignite@nifindia.org



Mail them to the following address (directly/through the Principal)
Dr A P J Abdul Kalam IGNITE Awards 2018
National Innovation Foundation - India
Gandhinagar-Mahudi Road
Gandhinagar-382650, Gujarat

The valuable ideas/innovations may be given financial and mentoring support. In case of deserving candidates, patents will be filed in their name at zero cost.

Any query may be addressed to NIF at
Email: ignite@nifindia.org or
Telephone:02764261131/ 32/ 38/ 39
Fax: +91-79-26731903

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In the future, I am planning to add more features to the site to ignite and to transform the young minds to achieve successWATCH OUT

Virtually nothing is impossible
in this world if you just put your mind to it
and maintain a positive attitude.
   ~ Lou Holtz

Like-minded folks who want to share their ideas and thoughts to guide the youth, text me in the comments section. In future we can collaborate on this same mission with the passion to bring the positive change.

Check this fun and inspiring collection of brilliant ideas.

Be crazy enough to ignite, innovate and transform this world...Breath Success
                                                                                                            Happy Dreaming...

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